Sunday, October 10, 2010

current events week 7: authorities anticipating second wave of toxic sludge in hungary

  Hungarians were evacuated from their homes because of the second strike of toxic sludge flooding. The wall that is supposed to keep it all in is now cracked. Authorities are expecting it to collapse but they dont know when. If it does 500,000 cubic meters of red toxic sludge could spill out! The sludge from Monday has gone into the Danube river (in Europe). Luckily tests show it wont be as big as a threat to the Danube river. The sludge is reaching different areas now. Emergency workers have been trying to lower the toxic levels. But the dust from the sludge may pose a threat. Its so dangerous the cleanup workers might have to were filtering masks!
   I think that this is a desaster! Im afraid it will lead into the black sea! Which could take a very long time to cleanup. This story reminds me of the catastrophic oil spill by BP. It took a very long time to clean up but not as much as we expected. I hope that the sludge will get cleaned before its too late! I cant even imagine what goes on in the minds of the people whos homes are being destroyed and they cant do anything about it. I wish i could do something about it. All we can do is hope that they can get they wall fixed or build a temporary dam in time, before its too late.


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