Health risks could cause problems for the miners in their rescue. The rescue capsule spins so that could cause vomiting and anxiety attacks. Since the miners have been trapped so long they may not be used to the light from the sun and will have to wear special glasses to protect their eyes. The miners have been givin special clothing to keep them healthy. They have been taking vaccines, blood tests, theyve been weighed and urine tests. This was all taken by one of the miners who is a parametic. The pressure from being brought up may cause muscle aches, recpitorial difficulties, increase in blood pressure and lung damage (but the right supply of oxygen will keep lung problems at a minimum. Once the miners are out they will be continuely tested and checked on.
I think that this is very sad. The miners finally get close to a rescue and find the consiquences. I hope they can stay brave like they have been. Im hoping that none of them come up with problems. I mean all that they have gone through, takes real courage. They have got to stay strong through this. This will be an extremely nerveracking time for them. Think about all those tests and worries they have to go through. But despite all that they are staying brave and everyone is confident that they will be as calm as they can. If I were there i would give them an award after what theyve gone through.
rescue mission.
all that is in bold are some describing words for the miners.