Saturday, April 23, 2011

BP4 QTR4: Research and Interpretation-Geography


Location: The latitude North of the Equador is 35o00' and the longitude east of Greenwich is 105o00'. Chinas regional location is Eastern Asia. The bodies of water around China are the Yellow sea, Korea bay, East China bay, and South China sea. China is located between Vietnam and North Korea. Chinas neighboring countries are Mongolia, India, Laos, Russia, North Korea, Vietnam, and Myammar.


Area:  The area of China is 9,596,960km2 (3,704,426mi2)
area-Comparative: China is often compared to the entire US or the 50 US states in area measurements. Washington, DC is 178 sq km (69 sq mi).
Land Boundaries: The length of all the land boundaries is 22,117km.

Climate: In the summer the temperature can be extremely high, and summer starts in May and ends at the end of August. In winter, the temperature can be below zero, and starts in December and ends in March. It is possible to see snow in the winter.
Terrain: China's topography is mostly mountains and has high plateaus. There are deserts in the west and hills in the east. There are also deltas and plains in its terrain.

Natural resources: China's natural resources are; Hydro power potential (largest in the world), petroleum, iron ore, natural gas, oil, 
tin, mercury, antimony, tungsten, uranium, manganese, vanadium, molybdenum, lead, zinc, magnetite, rare earth elements.
Land use: arable land: 14.86%
permanent crops: 1.27%
forests and woodland: 16.6%
other: 30.1% Issues : China's environmental issues include; Trade in endangered species, deforestation, desertification, air pollution (greenhouse gases, sulfur dioxide particulates) from reliance on coal produces acid rain, estimated loss of one-fifth of agricultural land since 1949 to soil erosion and economic development, water pollution from untreated wastes, water shortages.
Environment-International Agreements: China is under the category of party to. The agreements include; wetlands, whaling, desertification, Climate Change-Kyoto Protocol, Antarctic-Environmental Protocol, biodiversity, law of sea, tropical timber 94, tropical timber 83, marine dumping, endangered species, ozone layer protection, hazardous wastes, antarctic treaty, and environmental modification.

Natural Hazards: Some natural hazards towards china are; Tsunamis, earthquakes, damaging floods, land subsidence, droughts, and frequent typhoons (there are about five per year).

Thursday, April 14, 2011

BP3 QTR4: Research and Interpretation-General Information

                                              China Research:
Country name:
The name of my country is China.
The nationality of China is chinese.
The most common language spoken in China is Mandarin China which is spoken by over 70% of the citizens in China.
Flag description:
The Chinese flag is red with five yellow stars. The red background represents the blood from the revolutionary war. The five yellow stars represent chinese people (or yellow people) this is from the soviet union. There is one large star that symbolizes the leader, and the four small stars are classes of people following the leader.
Did you know? That China has the fourth largest economy in the world.

Friday, April 8, 2011

BP2 QTR4: UN Quick Write

                                             Why the United Nations is important.

  The United Nations (or U.N) was started after world war two. It is a large group that bring the nations of the world together to create fairness and peace in the world. The U.N does not force nations to follow them, although they are suggesting. I think that the United Nations is very important to us today.
   After the league of nations fell apart, the united nations was made. There was a set of rules made called the charter that was signed by fifty members of the U.N on October 24, 1945 creating the United Nations. For example, the nations in the U.N all have to provide military to those who cannot. There are one-hundred ninety-two countries in the U.N. today. The General Assembly is held every year,  at the assembly they find ways to keep peace and to help countries develop. 
 The United Nations is still as important as it years ago. They bring peace upon the nations to keep them together. Not only do they bring peace, they also encourage justice, human rights and the well being of people. I believe that the U.N is vital to everybody, even nations that are not included in it.


The United Nations in New York city. This is national land even though it is on U.S soil.

This is the United Nations flag.

Friday, February 4, 2011

BP2 QTR3: Project Reflection

I'm working with Alexa Elias.

 1. What is your final project going to be? What led you to choose this idea for your project?
 Our final project is to be an Imovie on supply and demand. In it we will have a video/play of supply and demand. We chose this because I am interested in supply/demand and really think I understand  a lot of this. We both have a very good understanding on supply and demand and we think it will be fun.

2.How is the project unfolding for you?
  Our project is unfolding pretty well. We have written a script, made actors and are going to start filming. We made a plan and answer some questions on wikispaces. I think that our project will turn out very good. We also have much information about supply and demand. Im excited for when our project is almost done because I have a feeling it will be really good.

3. How are you gathering the required information?
    We gathered information by using google. We also are going to use the text books in your classroom or from worksheets. Some of the information was gathered from knowledge.

4. What's happening that you didn't expect? In other words, how has your project changed over time?
   I expected to have more ideas of everything that will happened. We have many but over time others ideas have come up making me and Alexa question our other ideas. I expected us to have filmed by now but we had to create a script.

and our project is not finished yet.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

BP 1 QTR3: T-Shirt Travels Reaction Paper

One shirt, goes a long way.
     Most of Zambia's clothes have been donated by America. Africans cannot manufacture their own clothing anymore because
they couldn't afford the factories to run so it just died out. The salvation army donates about 99% of their clothing to Africa. Second hand (or used) clothing is the largest export product from the United States to Africa. In this, the distributor makes the most money because they are one of the most important parts of this process.
      Zambians have learned much about America by seeing the T-shirts. They have also learned from receiving the T-shirts. Some Zambians think that Americans are very clever. They think so because Americans talk in terms of cash and not in terms of physical life. Yet not everybody agrees with them. Some Zambians do not like how Americans come to their country and tell the Zambians what to do and how to do it. They say "we tell them to do stuff our way, we don't want to live their way". I agree with this because Americans should not be controlling how other people do things.
      Zambia may receive many clothes, but Zambia is a very poor country. In T-shirt travels there was a young man named Luka who was showing what life is like in Zambia. He is most grateful for his life and his house. Luka may not have all the luxuries we have but he a strong confident person with hopes and dreams. Many children are without a home. In fact there are over 70,000 homeless children! This country is not just poor, its also unhealthy. Since they don't have much money it is harder to obtain food, water, shelter and medical care.The life expectancy is only 43 years old! Experts are worried that this problem could take a toll for the worst.

~The End~