Sunday, September 26, 2010

current event week 5: scientists discover amphibian species thought to be extinct

in the article scientists discover amphibian species thought to be extinct scientists found three thought to be extinct amphibians. the three are the cave slayfoot salamander, the mount nimba reed frog, and the omaniundu reed frog. the mount nimba frog was found in a swampy feild near ivory coast. the omaniundu was seen in a flooded forest near the congo river in the democratic republic. the salamander was found in a cave system from mexico. these are part of the lost frogs project (by robin moore)  for frogs thought to be extinct.

my opinion on this article is that the lost frog project is smart. there are probably a lot of frogs (and other animals) that we may think are gone but are not. meaning we can try and save them. i wish the article gave more information  on the lost frogs project. i would like it better that way i would have more information. im happy that these frogs were found again it gives a sense of hope for our animals.

Monday, September 6, 2010

beyond the cleanup.

The oil spill has made some long term damages to the gulf. Fisherman say that they wont be able to catch fish in the gulf ever again! Animals are drenched in oil, beaches ruined! BP says theyre putting big sums of money to help with the cleanup and for people leaving at the gulf that have been affected by the spill. We need to conserve our oil. Not just for people sake but for animals, and even the world (pollution)! Obama is trying as one way to help by using alternative fuels even though we need much more.

My opinion of the article beyond the cleanup is that I agree. We should be careful with our oil uses. Its terrible for the animals! They are the ones being most harmed by the oil spill. I hope we can find a faster way to cleanup the oil spill. I think that the writer was right about the question at the end that said "are americans willing to change their habits?" because we dont. america needs to think wonderful sea creatures, beutiful beaches, birds, the fresh air or oil!

before the spill          and       after the spill.

Friday, September 3, 2010

current events 2

The 14th amendment made in 1868 states that, "All persons born or naturalized in the united states," including recently freed slaves are a citizen. Some republicans say that it should be reviewed and others say it shouldn't. The people say that they shouldn't because they don't want it changed. They think it will weaken american value, and wont help with illegal immigration. The review would have to have approval from most of both sides of congress and 3/4 of states!

My opinion on this article is that if they do change the 14th amendment they should be very careful. They may change something important and not know it. Since it takes a lot of time to change something that big it takes time. If they were to change it again they might not be aloud! I think they should keep it the same because its fine the way it is!